I originally grew up in Kansas, working on various golf courses and our family farm. Then, after high school, I migrated to Texas for college. One of the greatest things kids get to learn when growing up in a Kansas farming community is a relentless work ethic.
I spent my late 20s and 30s working in the Dallas and Addison areas in the VC start-up, acquisition, and turnaround fields for a company named after my dad: Z-Acquisition Group. It was a high-stress, high-failure, and high-risk industry; the goal was to find one grand slam to get you to retirement. We had plenty of success and plenty of failure. Using baseball speak, my batting average was probably .250, with some power, estimating an OPS of around .850.
Covid changed the world. Not just the health problems and death it levied on its victims but the way it permanently changed peoples' attitudes about the way business was done for the prior 100+ years. If you combine the changed work ethic with the sudden flood of AI into the marketplace, what does the next 30 years of employment look like? Good question.
My career path also changed 180 degrees during COVID-19. I'm now a single dad raising two fantastic kids. And that means global travel and 80-hour work weeks are in my rear-view mirror. I look forward to spending the next decade or so watching my kids grow up and doing more fulfilling work with like-minded people.
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